

校园 and online education programs that prepare the next generation of teachers.





在这个在线课程中, you’ll teach full time while enrolled in a state-board-approved educator preparation program, 准备你申请州认证. 你会获得宝贵的教学经验, 作为教育者磨练你的知识, and earn the education you need to become a qualified teacher in the state of Arizona.



A degree in school psychology prepares you to work directly with students as a school psychologist, or help to design and implement systemic improvements to the learning experience. 你可以将这些技能应用到大学的教学或研究中, 还有领导力方面的课程, 咨询, 全球教育, 研究设计, 程序开发, 社会正义, 和更多的.



设计有机会参与实地经验, 协作式专业学习, 并且以教练为基础, 理论到实践的方法, our ASC includes research-based practices to align with the requirements of the 加州 Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA). Up to 9 units may be applied to the EdD in educational 领导 and 管理.



Become a leader in education with a doctorate of education in educational 领导 and 管理 degree. 学会运用教育理论和原则进行战略规划, 指导财务状况, 解决合规性问题, 管理不断发展的人事流程. EdD提供K-12领导力课程.



持有加州英语教师证书(CTEL), 获得双语证书或双语授权, you’ll prepare to remove the barriers that exist between people of different cultures and speakers of various languages using technological advances and exploring cross-cultural communication differences. 通过这些项目, you can build bridges of communication and understanding to make a lasting difference.


In my experience with Alliant it was very clear from the start that there was a commitment to education being the great equalizer—and so I feel like I got tools through my learning that are allowing me to become a better teacher and be able to  reach out to everyone in my classrooms.





Whether you want to teach at an elementary school or you plan on becoming a school counselor, 教师职业是一份令人难以置信的有回报的工作. 从儿童早期开始, 年幼的孩子被塑造成他们将要成为的人, 部分原因是他们的教育工作者, 也需要教师和教育工作者.

Alliant offers in-person and online education programs that prepare our future teachers for the next generation. Whether you already have your bachelor's degree and are seeking a teacher preparation program, or you are searching for a master's degree program revolving around the professional study of elementary education or middle school education 和更多的, 我们有一个教育项目可能适合你. 了解更多beat365手机版官方网站的在线教育学位和课程!


The 加州教育学院 at Alliant International University offers a variety of degrees, 证书, and 凭证 in educational 政府 and teacher education that prepare you to make a lasting difference through teaching, 咨询, 领导, 宣传, 政府, 管理, 还有社区工作.

Whether you're looking for an online teaching degree program or an in-person learning experience for your higher education, 阿连特会在那里指导你的每一步. Your path into the classroom - either online or on-ground - is one paved with comprehensive academic excellence through:

  • 加州教师资格认证委员会 我们许多教育项目的认证
  • 学位选择包括证书和证书, 本科, 硕士, 还有博士学位, 其中许多提供专门的重点
  • 校园, 混合动力, and online college education degree options designed with working professionals in mind
  • 实践培训和广泛的实习机会
  • 多元文化的课程和丰富的多样性和包容性的经验

你们有责任成为一个榜样,引导和支持今天的年轻人. You can heed that call by putting higher education and expertise on your side with our online teaching degrees. Whether you attend classes online or enroll in one of our teacher education programs in 加州, 我们确保您离开时配备了激励学生所需的工具.



Whether you want to teach young children or lead a classroom at a four-year college, we make it easy for you to find the teacher certification program that's right for you.

从童年早期开始, 孩子们受到他们每天互动的老师的很大影响. 因为这种互动非常重要, we ensure our teacher preparation program helps future educators learn how to interact with students, 准备教案, 结构课程. 除了教学基础, we also give our students the tools to positively impact our future generation through education and guidance.

在你报名参加教育学位课程之前, it's important to know that not all colleges with education programs are created equal. 在CSOE, our on campus and online programs teach more than just book smarts; they provide hands-on experience to prepare you to step into the classroom with confidence. That's why our 加州 teaching credential programs are approved by the 加州教师资格认证委员会, 这是教学行业的最高标准之一.

Along with in-person coursework, we also offer the flexibility of online learning. 我们的在线硕士学位课程, 研究生学位课程, 和教师预备课程都是CTC认可的课程, 所以你知道你正在接受高质量的教育. 有经验丰富的教师和具有挑战性的课程, we’re able to give our graduate and 本科 students the education they need to succeed as a future teacher. 

如果你能看到自己站在小学的教室前面, you’ll be able to find an in-person or online teaching degree program at Alliant that suits your needs and gives you the confidence to help educate tomorrow’s leaders.

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